Breast Augmentation with Implants
Conveniently located to serve the areas of Newport Beach, CA

The figure you have always dreamed of is attainable. Breast augmentation is a procedure designed to increase the size and improve the shape of the breasts, but it is also known for boosting patient’s confidence and self-esteem. Dr. Bandy can bring balance and enhancement to your figure with implants. The latest implant techniques make the surgery safe and the results more natural-looking than ever before. Learn more about Breast Augmentation with Implants at our Newport Beach, Orange County office.
Schedule A ConsultationContents
- 1 Before and After Photos
- 2 Who is Breast Augmentation recommended for?
- 3 Pre-operation
- 4 Post-operation
- 5 Costs
- 6 Recovery
- 7 FAQ
- 7.1 Q: What is Breast Augmentation?
- 7.2 Q: What is the difference between silicone and saline BREAST implants?
- 7.3 Q: Should I choose silicone or saline BREAST implants?
- 7.4 Q: How long does a Breast Augmentation procedure take?
- 7.5 Q: Should the breast implant be placed in front of the muscle or behind the muscle?
- 7.6 Q: What type of Breast Augmentation Incisions does Dr. Bandy perform?
- 7.7 Q: What are breast augmentation complications and possible patient complaints?
- 7.8 Q: What if I experience any complications?
Before and After Photos
Who is Breast Augmentation recommended for?
There are several reasons that a patient would choose to have a breast augmentation procedure. Whether a woman has not developed as much breast tissue as they would like, developed unevenly or has lost natural volume with pregnancy or with aging, Dr. Bandy can help give you additional confidence to step out and be comfortable in whatever clothing (or lack thereof) you are wearing.
How can I prepare?
A patient can prepare for a breast augmentation procedure by getting on a good diet and beginning a vitamin protocol (provided by Dr. Bandy) to aid their body in healing. We recommend accomplishing all house chores prior to surgery that would require a patient to lift anything over 5 pounds or push or pull anything heavy. During your pre-operative appointment our nurses will go over all necessary steps to prepare for your surgery.
Will anesthesia be administered?
Yes, the procedure will be performed under a general anesthetic.
Is painful?
When a patient awakes from surgery, their pain will be minimal as Dr. Bandy injects a long lasting local anesthetic that will reduce pain experienced due to the newly formed pockets that the implants will now sit within.
How long before I see results?
Breast augmentation results can be seen immediately, however, it takes 4-6 weeks or longer until the swelling decreases and the implants settle into the breast pocket.
What if I am sick before?
If a patient is noted to be sick prior to a procedure, it is advised to contact Dr. Bandy’s office immediately to discuss the best way to move forward.
Dr. Bandy and Kaitlyn discuss breast augmentation with implants, including style, size, shape, incision location and more.
Is scarring expected after?
Dr. Bandy recommends making her incision in one of three ways. The first is through the areola on the area where the areola meets with the lighter skin on the breast. An incision here makes for a well hidden and blended scar. Many women like this incision because if their scar heals dark, the color will match that similar of their areola and if their scar heals light, the color will match closer to that of the lighter natural breast color. Although a very popular incision site, this incision carries a slightly higher risk for loss of nipple sensitivity- this decrease in sensitivity is usually temporary but sensation may never fully recover. This incision not only cuts through skin, but continues through the breast tissue. The second incision is in the infra-mammary fold. This is under the breast in the natural fold of the breast. (Don’t worry, if you don’t have a natural fold, you will after an augmentation.) This incision allows for a nicely hidden scar and comes with a lowered risk for loss of nipple sensitivity. The third incision is the transaxillary incision which is located in the highest crease in the armpit. This makes for a well hidden scar as well and also carries a lowered risk for loss of nipple sensitivity. Women may choose to implant both saline and silicone implants in any of the incision sites, however, with the transaxillary incision, due to pressure placed on an implant, the maximum size of a silicone implant to be implanted through this incision is reduced.
Can I drive home after?
It is always recommended to have someone assist you in getting home or to your recovery center. If a patient does not have anyone that can assist them at home, we do have a post operative recovery center that we work with that will pick up the patient from our facility.
Should I try avoiding touching the breasts as best as possible after?
After surgery it is advised to avoid the incision area. Massaging the breasts following surgery is not required.
What activity should I refrain from after?
We advise patients refrain from strenuous activity for at least 3 weeks, and avoid lifting anything heavier than 15 lbs for 4 weeks after surgery. A more detailed recovery estimate will be discussed during a consultation when more patient information is received. Specific recovery instructions are provided in the pre-op and post-op periods depending on how the patient is healing.
Do I need to take any medication after?
A patient is usually prescribed an antibiotic and a pain medication. If a patient is undergoing a general anesthesia, sometimes they are prescribed an anti-nausea medication to combat any feelings of nausea that some patients experience after having a general anesthesia.
The fees for Breast Augmentation Surgery are based on several factors. These factors include implant type and the fees for the facility where the surgery will be performed. Additionally, implant costs vary between saline vs. silicone and smooth vs. textured implants, as well as shaped implants vs. round implants.
With regard to style, silicone gel implants generally cost more than saline implants.
With regard to profile, shaped implants generally cost more than round implants.
For the surgical aspect, costs will vary depending on the surgical facility where the procedure will be performed. Also, the anesthesia approach will factor in to the cost; the patient may go under general anesthesia, IV sedation, or local anesthesia.
Other Costs Related to Breast Augmentation:
Additional costs may vary depending on whether the patient is having surgery in a surgery center, physician’s office, or a hospital setting. Patients should also determine whether or not the lab work will be included in the quote. Options that are not included in the basic surgical costs can be placement of a pain pump, or use of a Keller Funnel for implant placement. Thus, the average price of breast implants will vary depending on the circumstances.
Cost of Breast Augmentation combined with another Procedure(s):
Breast Lift: If the patient is undergoing additional procedures, such as a breast lift at the same time, then those costs will vary even further as there are multiple types of breast lifts. A breast augmentation with lift can vary in cost depending on the complexity of the case.
Breast Implant Exchange: If the patient is having a breast implant exchange (where the patient already had a breast augmentation surgery and now is removing and replacing with new implants), the prices will vary depending on the following factors:
- whether there is scar tissue surrounding the implants that need to be removed;
- whether the implants are in a submuscular or prepectoral plane;
- whether the implants exchanged are decreased or increased in size and whether the implants are saline or silicone. Additionally, if the implant size if being modified, procedures will need to be performed to either increase the pocket size or decrease the pocket size.
Price range for breast implant exchange (without a breast lift) can vary in cost depending on the complexity of the case.
Some people are more prone to developing more scar tissue. More scar tissue requires more in-depth surgery to get scar tissue removed and to be able to put in a bigger implant to expand the tissues (scar tissue might prohibit it from being stretchable enough) or to make the pocket smaller when changing to a smaller implant size.
Again, pricing may depend on several variables such as scar tissue removal, pocket size, and whether there is any asymmetry or breast drooping.
Does implant size affect the cost of Breast Augmentation?
Generally, the implant size does not affect the cost of breast augmentation.
Common sizes are 350cc, 400cc, 425cc, 450cc, 500cc, 550cc, 600cc, 650cc, 700cc, 750cc, and 800cc.
For large or extra large implants, saline implants go up to 800cc, but we can overfill them up to 1400cc or larger. When a patient wants extra large breast implants, staging the procedures may be necessary by starting with the maximum size the tissues will allow, then undergoing a second surgery after the tissues have stretched to accommodate larger implants.
The Newly FDA approved Shaped “Gummy Bear” Breast Implants:
The new Gummy Bear breast implants are more cohesive, and have a thicker gel (“cohesive-gel”) as well as a textured surface. They do not move within the pocket and do not change (“form-stable”). Thus, they have become increasingly popular especially for women who have very small breasts and are looking for a very natural looking result.
These new types of implants are ideal for people who have little to no breast tissue (flat chest) or are having breast reconstruction to get a more natural slope. Currently, Sientra and Allergan are FDA approved for this new type of implants. Please check back here for updates on this new implant.
What is the average cost?
Breast augmentation prices depend on a number of factors such as implant manufacturer, complexity of the case, surgeons fees, etc.
Are there financing options?
The patient has multiple financing options. For example, the patient can pay for the surgery on credit card, and make monthly payments back to their credit card. Additionally, CareCredit is a financing company specific for cosmetic surgery; patients can apply for CareCredit, and there are multiple options for CareCredit. Sometimes, patients opt to make payments directly to the office. This is a prepayment plan where a patient would pay until he or she pays the entire balance for the surgery; then, they would have their surgery.
What is the recovery time and the healing process?
When a patient awakes from surgery, their pain will be minimal as Dr. Bandy injects a long lasting local anesthetic that will reduce pain experienced due to the newly formed pockets that the implants will now sit within. A patient will still experience discomfort often described as “pressure” or “heaviness” to their chest that is caused by the pressure on the muscle. The intensity of this feeling will last for approximately 2-3 days. After the local anesthetic wears off, the pain will become more noticeable and will last for 2-3 days and will gradually reduce to a dull discomfort when the arms or certain body movement are made. Recovery times vary and are dependent on a patient’s normal daily activities and what they physically do on the job. Most patients will be extremely sore for three days after surgery and are typically advised to take about 3-5 days off of work as a result. We advise patients refrain from strenuous activity for at least 3 weeks, and avoid lifting anything heavier than 15 lbs for 4 weeks after surgery. A more detailed recovery estimate will be discussed during a consultation when more patient information is received. Specific recovery instructions are provided in the pre-op and post-op periods depending on how the patient is healing.
Is there a post-operative recovery facility that you recommend?
We do have a post operative recovery facility that we refer our patients to in Orange County, CA and Los Angeles, CA. In these situations, they will be picked up by the post operative care facility from our recovery room and brought to the recovery center where they are recovered overnight, and then brought back the next day for their follow up appointment.
I love having the trust of each patient that I will provide them with the best results of what they are looking for.Schedule A Consultation
– Dr. Amy Bandy, Over 20 Years of Experience
Q: What is Breast Augmentation?
A: Breast Augmentation is the insertion of a medical grade breast implant under the breast tissue or under the chest muscle to enlarge breasts for overall increased volume or to correct asymmetry. A patient may also have breast augmentation for reconstruction purposes from a mastectomy.
Q: What is the difference between silicone and saline BREAST implants?
A: A patient may choose to either have a saline filled implant or a silicone filled implant, both of which are FDA approved.Saline: Having been on the market for over 20 years, saline has always been a strong choice for patients choosing to have a breast augmentation procedure. With further advances in research and development, current saline implants have proven to be strong and durable. If there is ever a rupture or defect to the implant the saline will be absorbed and expelled from the body naturally and a patient would be left with the same volume of breast tissue that they had prior to their augmentation. In thin patients with minimal breast tissue, a firmer look and feel as well as noticeable rippling to the implant can occur as the skin surrounding the implant takes on the shape of the implant and the tissues settle over time. As time progresses or when a person loses weight, rippling can become more obvious due to skin stretching and thinning, thus making ripples noticeable that were previously not seen.Silicone: Silicone has definitely become more popular with further advances in research and development and is the implant of choice for most thin patients who are looking for a natural softer breast with less chance of seeing or feeling rippling. In Dr. Bandy’s practice, 80 percent of patients choose to have silicone implants. Patients rave that their breasts look and feel “so natural”. In the 1980’s silicone had the same consistency as honey and was very sticky if the implant ruptured. Silicone is not absorbable by the body the same way saline is. The FDA halted manufacturing of this form of silicone to investigate the safety of silicone gel implants. At that time, patients were left with only the option of saline implants for several years. In 2003, the FDA lifted its ban on silicone as ‘cohesive gel’ silicone implants were unveiled and the studies showed that the safety margin of silicone gel implants are parallel with saline. This form of silicone has the same consistency as a gelatin. The cohesive gel silicone is still within a solid silicone shell which acts as a strong and durable restraint against pressure or ruptures. Although women have their choice of saline or silicone implants, at this time the FDA has approved the use of silicone implants for women 22 years of age or older unless certain reconstructive guidelines are met.
Q: Should I choose silicone or saline BREAST implants?
A: Depending on the look and feel the patient desires depends on which implant would be recommended. Saline implants typically produce more upper-pole fullness, whereas silicone implants can create a more natural appearance. Dr. Bandy also offers patients different types of “cohesiveness” of silicone implants. By choosing a more cohesive silicone implant, the implant maintains it’s shape more when implanted and provides more fullness in the upper pole (similar to saline) but with the feel of silicone. During your consultation our office will go over all implant options and make recommendations based upon a patient’s desired outcome.
Q: How long does a Breast Augmentation procedure take?
A: A breast augmentation procedure is 1-1.5 hours in length and is performed under a general anesthesia.
Q: Should the breast implant be placed in front of the muscle or behind the muscle?
A: When consulting with a surgeon it is important to discuss your implant placement. There are two placement techniques that are used most for breast augmentation and a third placement that is used for varying circumstances. More commonly women choose implant placement behind the pectoral muscle. There are several reasons that a woman might choose to have her implant placed behind the muscle. After a breast augmentation a woman will be able to receive much more accurate readings from a mammogram if the implant is placed behind the muscle as this allows for the woman’s natural breast tissue to stay in front of the implant and muscle. Also, if the implant is placed behind the muscle, the muscle acts as an internal support for the implant. Implants placed in front of the muscle will only have natural breast tissue and skin in front of the implant. Because skin and breast tissue do not have elastic recoil, the breast will stretch over time. For a woman that does not have a lot of natural breast tissue (A-B cups), implant placement behind the muscle might be a good choice as the muscle gives more coverage to the implant and helps create a natural look and natural slope. A third option is called the ‘dual plane’ implant placement. This means that the implant is placed behind the muscle and the upper 2/3 of the implant is fully supported by the pectoral muscle, however, the bottom 1/3 of the implant is allowed to settle into the bottom of the breast by releasing muscle fibers from the connecting bone. This is typically for women who have more of a bottom pole fullness naturally or are on the fence of having a breast lift. An experienced and skilled surgeon such as Dr. Bandy will be able to explain which implant placement is recommended for your own individual needs.
Q: What type of Breast Augmentation Incisions does Dr. Bandy perform?
A: Dr. Bandy recommends making her incision in one of three ways. The first is through the areola on the area where the areola meets with the lighter skin on the breast. An incision here makes for a well hidden and blended scar. Many women like this incision because if their scar heals dark, the color will match that similar of their areola and if their scar heals light, the color will match closer to that of the lighter natural breast color. Although a very popular incision site, this incision carries a slightly higher risk for loss of nipple sensitivity- this decrease in sensitivity is usually temporary but sensation may never fully recover. This incision not only cuts through skin, but continues through the breast tissue. The second incision is in the infra-mammary fold. This is under the breast in the natural fold of the breast. (Don’t worry, if you don’t have a natural fold, you will after an augmentation.) This incision allows for a nicely hidden scar and comes with a lowered risk for loss of nipple sensitivity. The third incision is the transaxillary incision which is located in the highest crease in the armpit. This makes for a well hidden scar as well and also carries a lowered risk for loss of nipple sensitivity. Women may choose to implant both saline and silicone implants in any of the incision sites, however, with the transaxillary incision, due to pressure placed on an implant, the maximum size of a silicone implant to be implanted through this incision is reduced.
Q: What are breast augmentation complications and possible patient complaints?
A: With any surgery or procedure there is a risk for complications. Breast augmentation is no different, with possible post surgical complications ranging from post operative bleeding (hematoma) and fluid collection that would require drainage (seroma) to implant rippling and capsular contracture. Although rare, there is always a chance for a patient to form a hematoma which would be noticeable within the first 72 hours after surgery. Although preventable in the operating room with an experienced surgeon, a hematoma can form post-operatively by a surge in a patient’s blood pressure or a patient over exerting themselves and tearing any sutures previously placed. This is why it is imperative for all health complications or risks to be evaluated and under control prior to surgery, as well as ensuring that a patient is made aware of and understands all post operative care instructions and guidelines. Patients can also complain of noticeable implant rippling. Implant rippling, although more prevalent in saline implants, is sometimes unavoidable. Choosing an appropriate implant size that does not go outside of the patient’s own tissue boundaries, and placement behind the muscle reduces the risk of rippling. However, rippling can still occur despite these measures, and there is no definitive way to determine if a patient will experience rippling of the implants. Breast implant type, size, material and placement are all contributing factors to rippling and it is important to discuss each factor individually with Dr. Bandy during a consultation and pre-operative appointment. The most common complaint heard is that many patients wish that they had gone with a larger size implant. But all in all, patients love the way they look and feel with their fuller, more youthful breasts.
Q: What if I experience any complications?
A: If a patient experiences any complications, it is requested that the patient contact our office immediately to discuss how to move forward.
We are here to listen and address your concerns.Schedule A Consultation
– Dr. Amy Bandy, Over 20 Years of Experience