Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
Conveniently located to serve the areas of Newport Beach, CA

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, or HBOT, is a treatment where you breathe pure oxygen in a pressurized chamber to saturate your cells with oxygen to assist in wound healing, stimulate collagen formation and potentially reverse the signs of aging.
How does Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy work?

It works by increasing the air pressure in the chamber allowing for your lungs to gather more oxygen than you can at a normal air pressure. The chamber’s pure oxygen directly stimulates your body’s natural healing processes, giving you more energy and a boosted level of healing.
During your treatment, you will be laying down inside the chamber while our staff monitors you throughout the treatment. Once inside, the chamber will slowly be pressurized to an atmospheric level two to three times higher than normal air pressure. By increasing the air pressure, the amount of oxygen you can absorb is increased. For more information about how to prepare, what to expect and the risks of hyperbaric oxygen therapy- keep reading!
Benefits of using Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy are well known in the medical community. By supplying your body with pure oxygen, it increases the amount of oxygen your blood can carry therefore boosting your body’s natural healing. Depending on what your goal is, we will recommend an individualized treatment plan for how often you should receive hyperbaric oxygen therapy.
Benefits for hyperbaric oxygen therapy include:
- It stimulates collagen production by increasing your skin’s elasticity to reduce wrinkles and fine lines therefore improving your overall skin texture.
- Restart the healing process on non-healing wounds, or wounds that don’t heal in the five to eight weeks after the procedure.
- Reduce the effects of long-term ultraviolet, or UV ray, skin damage.
- Aids in treating long term injuries.
- Improves performance of certain medications.
- Treats decompression sickness, in deep sea or scuba divers.
- Treatment of severe burns.
- Boosts your immune system response.
- Reduces inflammation.
- Potentially reverse some effects of aging.
- Alzheimer’s disease could be delayed or even reversed by giving oxygen therapy to patients in pressurized chambers, a new study suggests.
The goal is rejuvenation through oxygen!
A recent study has shown that HBOT can potentially reverse aging!
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy increases telomere length and decreases immunosenescence in isolated blood cells- What does this mean? Aging is a combination of two factors; telomere length and senescence. Telomeres are the end caps of your chromosomes, keeping your DNA intact. When our cells copy the telomere gets shorter. Telomeres act as a cell’s biological clock, therefore when your telomeres shorten, your body starts to show its chronological age. Shortening telomeres can also cause cellular senescence, an age-associated decline in your immune system by a population of damaged cells in your immune system. The study shows after 60 HBOT treatments, study participants increased their telomere length up to 29% and there was a significant clearance of senescent cells. Interested in learning more? Check out the full study here.
What should you expect?
During your treatment, you should expect to feel a fullness in your ears like when you’re flying in an airplane. This feeling is caused by the pressurization in the chamber during your treatment. We recommend yawning or swallowing to equalize the pressure. Fore more information on how hyperbaric oxygen therapy treatment might feel, check out the NeuroPerformance website.
How should you prepare?
- Do not wear any perfumes, jewelry, make-up, wigs, or contact lenses.
- Do not consume alcohol or carbonated beverages four or more hours prior to your appointment.
- Do not smoke before your appointment.
- We recommend wearing loose clothing that makes you feel comfortable to reduce the possible anxiety or going into the chamber.
- If you’re having cold-like symptoms, such as a mild congestion of the nose and ears, entering a hyperbaric chamber will increase your level of discomfort. Depending on your congestion level, hyperbaric oxygen therapy is not recommended.
If you have any other questions or concerns, please call our office at 949-574-0574.
We are here to listen and address your concerns.Schedule A Consultation
– Dr. Amy Bandy, Over 20 Years of Experience