Conveniently located to serve the areas of Newport Beach, CA

CoolSculpting treatment is a non-invasive procedure that permanently eliminates fat via freezing fat cells. Learn more about CoolSculpting at our Newport Beach, Orange County office.

Before and After Photos
Who is Coolsculpting recommended for?

Can you pinch an inch? If so, you’re most likely a candidate. During your consultation, you will meet with one of our CoolSculpting experts in order to determine if you are a candidate, how many treatments would be needed for your desired goal, and a customized treatment plan. Call our office to book your consultation.
How can I prepare?
There is no preparation needed for the CoolSculpting treatment.
Will anesthesia be administered?
No, anesthesia will not be administered during the CoolScuplting procedure, nor does a patient require pain medications or relaxants.
Is painful?
CoolSculpting is not painful. CoolSculpting can be a bit uncomfortable for the first couple of minutes until the skin is numbed (similar to icing an area of the body).
What if I am sick before?
If a patient is noted to be sick prior to a procedure, it is advised to contact Dr. Bandy’s office immediately to discuss the best way to move forward.
How long before I see results?

Results can be seen in as little as 1 month to 3 months after treatment. Depending on the amount of fat desired to be eliminated, some patients may need multiple treatments to the same area. This will be discussed during your consultation.
Is scarring expected after?
No; there is no scarring because there are no incisions made in the skin.
Can I drive home after?
Should I try avoiding touching the area after?
Following Coolsculpting, patients may massage the area that was treated if desired.
What activity should I refrain from after?
The great thing about Coolsculpting is that there is ZERO downtime! Patients may return to all activity immediately following the treatment.
Do I need to take any medication after?
No medication is necessary after CoolSculpting.
What is the average cost?
The price varies depending on your areas of concern, the number of sessions needed, and your ultimate goals. Call our friendly staff to set up a consultation.
Are there financing options?
The patient has multiple financing options. For example, the patient can pay for the surgery on credit card, and make monthly payments back to their credit card. Additionally, CareCredit is a financing company specific for cosmetic surgery; patients can apply for CareCredit, and there are multiple options for CareCredit. Sometimes, patients opt to make payments directly to the office. This is a prepayment plan where a patient would pay until he or she pays the entire balance for the surgery; then, they would have their surgery.
What is the recovery time and the healing process?
There is no downtime with the CoolSculpting treatment! You may immediately resume all normal activities. You may experience minor bruising, swelling, and numbness to the treatment area following the procedure which typically resolve within a week or two.
Is there a post-operative recovery facility that you recommend?
We do have a post operative recovery facility that we refer our patients to in Orange County, CA and Los Angeles, CA. In these situations, they will be picked up by the post operative care facility from our recovery room and brought to the recovery center where they are recovered overnight, and then brought back the next day for their follow up appointment.
We are here to listen and address your concerns.Schedule A Consultation
– Dr. Amy Bandy, Over 20 Years of Experience
What is the FDA’s position on CoolSculpting?
The procedure is FDA-cleared, safe and effective.
What are my options for the CoolSculpting procedure?
You can treat areas such as abdomen, flanks, bra area, arms, inner thighs, and outer thighs.
How long is the CoolSculpting procedure?
Dr. Bandy’s office is equipped with two CoolSculpting machines, providing patients the convenience of treating two areas at the same time, cutting down on treatment time! The CoolSculplting procedure takes about 45 minutes for each area.
What if I experience any complications?
Our office staff is trained and certified through CoolSculpting, and highly experienced. It is imperative to seek a provider with extensive knowledge of the treatment in order to minimize side effects and avoid complications. Our office staff is always available should you have any questions or concerns regarding your treatment.
I love having the trust of each patient that I will provide them with the best results of what they are looking for.Schedule A Consultation
– Dr. Amy Bandy, Over 20 Years of Experience