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Orange County Breast Lift Surgery: Dr. Amy Bandy

To achieve the best breast shape, it often requires lifting the breasts to a more youthful position. With weight loss, pregnancy, breast feeding, aging, and gravity continually affects the position of the breasts. As a result, the skin becomes loose and the underlying breast tissue descends to a lower position on the chest wall.

Breast lift, or mastopexy, is performed to tighten the skin and lift the breasts higher to give a tighter more youthful shape. There are several types of mastopexy incisions to accomplish this result and the amount of loose skin as well as how low the nipples are positioned will determine which lift procedure will ultimately result in the best end result for each person.

If you are ready to have the perfect body, book a consultation with Dr. Amy Bandy today by calling 949-574-0574 or filling out our online contact form.